The Sony Xperia Z4 was officially announced in Japan back in April. The handset packed some decent specs, one of which was the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810processor. However it looks like it didn’t take long for Xperia Z4 owners to start complaining that their devices have begun to overheat.
These users have taken to Twitter to express their frustration at their phones getting a little too hot. This was further backed up CPU-Z results in which it shows that the Xperia Z4’s temperatures are running a little hot. In fact recently Japanese carrier NTT DOCOMO even placed some signs in their shops in which they cautioned customers about overheating.
The handsets they pointed out that could potentially overheat includes the Fujitsu ARROWS NX, the Sharp AQUOS Zeta, and the Sony Xperia Z4. One of the things they told users to do is to periodically turn their phones on and off, and to charge it with the power off to help reduce the amount of heat generated.
These complaints followed by benchmark results seems to go against what Qualcomm’s VP of marketing said last month, which was that the overheating rumors were untrue and he even implied that this could be the result of the competition attempting to sabotage Qualcomm, but based on what we can see, the proof is in the pudding. Assuming the Xperia Z4 really does run hot, we can only assume that this will affect the Sony Xperia Z3+ as well.
Key Specs | Xperia Z4 |
Status | Released |
Resolution | 1920x1080 |
Display Diagonal | 5.2" |
Processor/Soc Name | Snapdragon 810 4-core |
Max. Total Storage Capacity | 192 GB |
Megapixels | 20.7 MP |
Battery Capacity (mAh) | 2930 mAh |
Complete product data | Sony Xperia Z4 Full specs |
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